Social Impact Assessment Tools

The VYPI Working group (Under the Volunteer Strategy for SA) has developed some tools for Volunteer Involving Organisations to use to measure the social impact of their volunteer programs.

These tools can be used in a variety of ways – to collect a tangible measure of wellbeing for student volunteers (before, during and after engaging in a volunteer activity) which can be collated and used to support a grant application or to demonstrate the benefits of your volunteer programs to relevant stakeholders.

You could use them to benchmark the benefits on your organsiation after involving younger volunteers – to advocate for the expanding of youth volunteer programs – or to demonstrate to young people why their contribution is significant etc.

You can use each link as many times as you wish, they are all set to automatically send the email address you supply – a copy of your answers.

Group of people attending a training course, sitting at a table with laptops out looking off to someone giving a presentation.

Self-Assessment tool for students prior to engaging in a volunteer activity

Click here to be taken to a google form that can be provided to students prior to engaging in a volunteer activity. You can use the form as is, or you can use the questions in the form to create your own version of this self-assessment tool.

A woman with a lanyard and badge that says volunteer, patting a dog

Self-Assessment tool for students during or after engaging in a volunteer activity

Click here to be taken to a google form that can be provided to students during or after engaging in a volunteer activity. You can use the form as is, or you can use the questions in the form to create your own version of this self-assessment tool.

Five people sitting around a wooden table have a meeting, the woman in the centre has her hand placed on the shoulder of the man next to her and she is smiling.

Volunteer Involving Organisations - Youth Involvement Questionnaire

Click here to be taken to a google form that can be provided to your organisations staff/volunteers to identify what impact having younger volunteers has had on your organisation. You can use the form as is, or you can use the questions in the form to create your own version of this organisational assessment tool.