Resources and References for Volunteer Managers

The VYPI Working group has identified a variety of Resources and References that may benefit volunteer managers wanting to work with young people


The International Association for Volunteer Effort has developed a toolkit for organisations looking to involve young volunteers and support their pathway to employment.

DoE Schools

Information for organisations who want to set up a student volunteer program with Department for Education schools, preschools or children’s centres.

Justice Connect

Youth volunteer factsheet

Children And Youth Planning Table

Less Telling, More Asking: Meaningful youth engagement at a glance; a resource to introduce the concepts of youth engagement and adult allyship.


Better Together is an engagement framework focusing on 6 topic areas as mentioned by YACSA (12th Aug 2021)


Volunteering Strategy for SA

Young people sharing stories about their volunter experience and call to action to other young people

Legatus Group

Young people sharing stories about their volunter experience and call to action to other young people

Salisbury Youth Council

Exemplory example of councils involving elected members and mentorships to support youth council members (inc. pathways to SA youth parliment)

Volunteering Australia



Volunteering ACT

A webpage linking to various lessons and unitis of work that can be used by teachers and volunteer resource centres to support the involvement of young people in volunteering.

Volunteering Strategy For South Australia

Two-hour training for organsations who want to gain a deeper understandng about the qualities of young people and identify the barriers and opportunities to their volunteer engagement.

Queensland family and child commission

The project engaged more than 7,000 Queensland children and young
people, aged four to 18 years, to hear their thoughts, views and opinions
about their community, hopes and dreams and the issues most important
to them.: participants said they were often prevented from volunteering because of their age


Search volunteer opportunities

Volunteering Queensland

Young people are change makers. They believe they can change the current world we live in to make it a better place for future generations. All they need is the support; resources and a framework to foster their journey. Their experience with a youth-led social change organisation allows them to explore the issues of the
world and deepen their passion in a safe environment.

Engaging Youth Volunteers QSL

Tips for volunteer-involving organisations
wishing to engage younger volunteers
including volunteers under the age of 18

Engaging Millennial Volunteers QSL

These potential volunteers are seeking
episodic and project based opportunities
that provide them with the opportunity to
develop their leadership skills.

Young people as volunteers QSL

This report, Young People as Volunteers, seeks to build on the findings of Youth Leading Youth and to offer clear strategies that can be adopted by organisations in their efforts to more effectively work in collaboration with young volunteers aged 18 to 25.

Department For Education

Implementing Student Volunteering At Schools

Eductors from any government, Catholic or Independent school will gain support to implement the Department for Education’s online student volunteer resources and learn how to embed volunteer principles and practices into everyday classroom activity.

Student Volunteering

Toolkit to help educators build on any volunteering work the school or students are already doing, or to create a new volunteer program that links to the curriculum in a way that helps with the personal development of their students.

Students & Kids As Volunteers

Information for students and kids who want to learn more about volunteering


Duke Of Ed

Duke Of Ed International Award

A youth self-development program that encourages being physically active, teamwork, skill development and volunteering (minimum 3 months)

Adelaide And Monarto Zoo

A youth program held at the Zoo, supporting animals and focusing on conservation to engage young people. 3 to 6 months of regular monthly volunteering at the Monarto Zoo

Norwood Football Club

A football development program focusing on creating community leaders by engaging them in more than footy, includes off-field skills and volunteering (3 months) at club on or community